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파병:대박 맨발걷기

by 헬싱 웰싱 2024. 1. 19.



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어떻게 하루하고 이렇죠 한 시간 남짓이 걸 해보고 왔는데 
진짜 알 수 없는 사람몸이네
어찌 됐든 오늘도  있다가 길으러갈때 한 번들러 맨발로 걷고 와야겠습니다
걷고바로는 발도 아프고 지쳐서 힘들었는데
그냥 집에서 쉴 때나 소파에 앉았다 일어나서 걸을 때 약효가 떨어졌나 싶을 때 걷는 것이 
많이 어려워서 넘어질꺼같은 때가 많아 힘이 들었었는데 
그런 증상들이  몸이 약기운이 아닌 스스로 버텨 나가면서 다리나  이런 무릎 사타구니 이런데 
힘이 저절로 들어가서 버틸 수 있게 해 주네요 참 희한하네.
못 걷고 힘들었던 약발 듣는 시간 이외의 시간들 중 꽤 많은 부분을 몸이 떠받쳐 줘서 지탱해주는
 그런 게  없나  찾다 찾다 이제야  진정한 운동을 만난 거 같습니다
Hey, this is a completely different world

It feels completely different when you walk, but there's a bit of a disordered energy

Now that I've experienced it for an hour, I really didn't know it would be this different

How can it be like this after a day? I've been doing this for about an hour

It's an unknown person's body

Anyway, I'll walk barefoot when I go to walk later today

My feet hurt as soon as I walked, and I was tired

When I'm resting at home or when I'm sitting on the couch and walking, I think it's not effective

I had a hard time because it was so hard that I felt like I was going to fall

Those symptoms are not like medicine, but they're holding out on their own, such as legs and groin

I'm so sorry that the power goes in by itself and allows me to hold on.

The body supports and supports a lot of the time other than the time when you can't walk and listen to weak feet

I've been looking for something like that, and I think I've finally met a real workout

走路的感觉完全不一样 虽然有点散乱的感觉

因为每天经历1个小时 真的没想到会有这么大的变化

怎么能这样度过一天呢 做了1个多小时的放送


总之今天也是 待会儿去散步的时候 光脚走一趟再回来

走着走着脚也疼 累得慌

在家休息的时候或者坐在沙发上 站起来走路的时候 觉得药效下降了就走路

因为太难了 感觉要摔倒的时候很多 真的很累

那些症状不是药劲 而是自己坚持下来 比如腿或者膝盖胯骨之类的


除了无法行走和疲惫的弱发听时间以外 身体支撑着很多部分


